We are still here for you…
Following the latest Government announcement about the second national lockdown, beginning on 5 November, and initially due to end on 2 December we would like to tell you about some small changes that we will be implementing during this period.
Opening hours
The practice will remain fully open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm offering both face to face and telephone consultations.
Attending appointments
It is still really important that you attend any planned appointments and come alone if possible, to minimise the amount of people in the practice at any one time.
As the weather has now changed, we will start to use the waiting room again but will limit the number of patients in there at any one time to 2. Please do not arrive too early for your appointment.
It is no longer necessary for you to call the practice to announce your arrival – please knock the door or window and one of the team will greet you. Please be patient as they may be on a call and they will attend to you as soon as they are free.
Health checks
During this period and in the run up to Christmas we are pleased to let you know that we will be offering a streamlined health check consultation service. This will comprise an appointment with Lainey to do all the usual routine checks, including fasting bloods and lifestyle, and there will be an opportunity for you to discuss any health issues or concerns that you have. When all the results are received and collated these will be passed to your GP to review and they may invite you in for a follow-up consultation or telephone you to discuss any recommendations or to give you advice.
GP update
Dr Willis will not be in the practice during this latest lockdown period. This is for safety reasons to minimise the number of GP’s in the practice at any one time. He will be available for telephone consultations on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If you have an appointment scheduled with Dr Willis, one of the team will contact you to either change the appointment to a telephone consultation or offer you a face to face appointment with one of the other GP’s.
We once again thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this matter.